
Kindergarten (K4 - K5) Curriculum

The Trinitas Jr. Kindergarten and Kindergarten aim to inspire wonder and excite a true love for learning in young minds. This is where students’ interest is kindled and they begin to build foundations for lifelong learning. Both classes focus on hands-on activities, games, and projects that appeal to the five senses. Math, for example, consists of the introduction of numbers and their values through exploring hands-on manipulatives that help students form a concrete understanding of what numbers represent before tackling more abstract mathematical concepts.

Students learn to read in Kindergarten, but only after they have thoroughly explored individual letters and the sounds they make so that they understand the building blocks of words. Both classes fully participate in Christian discipleship at Trinitas by attending Morning Meeting, memorizing Scripture, and reading Bible stories. The habits they practice at this age are foundational to the Christian character they are building for life. (Jr. Kindergarten meets three days per week; Kindergarten is a five day class.)

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