Trinitas Blog

Finis Initii: Not Departing from the Path

Posted by Trinitas on Jun 16, 2024 4:48:29 PM

The following is adapted from the Commencement Address delivered by Dr. Clifford Humphrey on May 17, 2024, at Trinitas Christian School.

Graduation, the word comes from the Latin verb graduari, meaning to take a gradus, a step. You have made it to the last step, the last rung on the ladder. It’s the end. It feels good, right? Like you can practically retire now and take it easy: this long race you’ve been running is over. But wait: this ceremony is also called commencement. What does that mean? Beginning. Why would we call this ceremony that? What might be beginning now?

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Topics: Blog Posts, Classical Education, Alumni, Christian Education, True Education, Truth, Goodness, and Beauty, Virtue

A Guiding Principle in Choosing an Education for Children of Christian Families

Posted by Trinitas on Apr 13, 2024 5:15:10 PM

Thousands of Christian families have to decide about schooling for their children every year. Arguably no other decision parents make in a lifetime will have a greater impact on their children. Should they send them to public school, charter school, private school, private religious school, virtual school, home school, virtual home school, or some other exciting new option? How do Christian parents sift through their choices to make sense of it all? Is there a guiding principle we can use to help make the right decision, one that will provide a hierarchy for ranking all the variables? Scripture is always a good place to start.

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Topics: Blog Posts, Parenting, Scripture, Christian Education, Parent Involvement, Virtue

The State of Parenting Today

Posted by Trinitas on Feb 25, 2024 6:00:00 PM

On Thursday, March 7, Trinitas will be hosting Keith McCurdy as part of the Spring Vision Series. This free event is open to the public but tickets are required and available here. In preparation for the event, we are sharing four interviews with Keith on various topics recorded and made available by BaseCamp Live. These are great resources for all parents as they navigate the challenges of raising children in the modern world. 

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Topics: Blog Posts, Parenting, Classical Education, Christian Education, Christian Living, Parent Involvement, Social Issues, Virtue

Entitled or Grateful? Choices Before the Next Generation

Posted by Trinitas on Feb 18, 2024 6:00:00 PM

On Thursday, March 7, Trinitas will be hosting Keith McCurdy as part of the Spring Vision Series. This free event is open to the public but tickets are required and available here. In preparation for the event, we are sharing four interviews with Keith on various topics recorded and made available by BaseCamp Live. These are great resources for all parents as they navigate the challenges of raising children in the modern world. 

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Topics: Blog Posts, Parenting, Classical Education, Christian Education, Christian Living, Parent Involvement, Social Issues, Virtue

Modern Questions & Classical Answers

Posted by Trinitas on Feb 11, 2024 6:04:01 PM

On Thursday, March 7, Trinitas will be hosting Keith McCurdy as part of the Spring Vision Series. This free event is open to the public but tickets are required and available here. In preparation for the event, we are sharing four interviews with Keith on various topics recorded and made available by BaseCamp Live. These are great resources for all parents as they navigate the challenges of raising children in the modern world. 

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Topics: Blog Posts, Parenting, Classical Education, Christian Education, Christian Living, Parent Involvement, Social Issues, Virtue

Raising Mature Kids

Posted by Trinitas on Feb 3, 2024 11:54:54 AM

On Thursday, March 7, Trinitas will be hosting Keith McCurdy as part of the Spring Vision Series. This free event is open to the public but tickets are required and available here. In preparation for the event, we are sharing four interviews with Keith on various topics recorded and made available by BaseCamp Live. These are great resources for all parents as they navigate the challenges of raising children in the modern world. 

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Topics: Blog Posts, Parenting, Classical Education, Christian Education, Christian Living, Parent Involvement, Social Issues, Virtue

Four Reasons Families Leave Trinitas (Part #4)

Posted by Trinitas on Jan 26, 2024 9:30:00 AM

During the past few weeks, I have been highlighting some reasons families have left Trinitas, which seems like a dangerous undertaking. I’m not trying to scare people away, of course. My reason for doing this short series is that I want to communicate who Trinitas is to families who want the sort of education we’re offering. One way to do that is by thrusting into the spotlight some of the school’s characteristics that have been breaking points for families in the past. This is the last installment.

#1 The standards are too high!

#2 Trinitas is weak on math!

#3 All that classical stuff is useless in the real world!

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Topics: Blog Posts, School Life, Parenting, Classical Education, Christian Living, Parent Involvement, Virtue

Excellence vs Perfectionism: Helping Our Students Avoid Idolatry

Posted by Janine Warmouth on Dec 10, 2023 7:12:16 PM

To graduate students who can think clearly, discern wisely, and articulate winsomely classical, Christian schools must have high standards. This means that there will be a striving for excellence in all that we do. With this, we need to be very careful to pay attention to the temptations that come along with this kind of atmosphere. One such temptation that our students may face is setting up idols of perfectionism and putting their worth in their achievements.

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Topics: Blog Posts, Parenting, Classical Education, Christian Education, True Education, Social Issues, Grades, Virtue

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