Trinitas Blog

Finis Initii: Not Departing from the Path

The Good, the Bad, and the Obedient

Don’t Send Your Lambs to Slaughter

A Guiding Principle in Choosing an Education for Children of Christian Families

Inaugural Classical Heritage Tour

Lessons from a Rain Storm

Community and Fellowship

The State of Parenting Today

Entitled or Grateful? Choices Before the Next Generation

Modern Questions & Classical Answers

Raising Mature Kids

Four Reasons Families Leave Trinitas (Part #4)

Four Reasons Families Leave Trinitas (Part #3)

Four Reasons Families Leave Trinitas (Part #2)

Excellence vs Perfectionism: Helping Our Students Avoid Idolatry

How to Avoid a Culture of Disrespect (and Other Shameful Maladies)

Happy Thanksgiving, Neighbors!

Quare Latin?


Thou Shalt Love Thy Neighbor as Thyself

Ten MORE Practical Tips for Success at Trinitas

Ten Practical Tips for Success at Trinitas

On Chess and Classical Christian Education

Ordering the Lives of Our Children

To Train Up a Child

Seek First the Kingdom of God

“What’s the deal with…?”

True Image

That Whole Parenting Thing

Of Pigs and Pupils: Fast Food, Modern Education, and the Growth of Classical (Christian) Schools

Don’t Just Hand Them Over!

Trinitas Welcomes Newest Faculty Members!

Building Community

In Favor of Independence

On Boys, Danger, and Dragons

Getting Your Hands Dirty in the Garden

Pull Them Close This Summer

The End of a Thing is Better Than Its Beginning

Academic Humility

If You Love Me…

Tribute to Parents

Beneath the Surface

The Resurrection and Everyday Life

A Father's Resolutions

Changing the Conversation

The Wiseman’s Folly: A Reflection on Foolishness and Wisdom

Classically Educated Parents

Teach Them Diligently for Life

A Seat at the Table

Commoners in the King’s Court

The End of Education

All the World’s a Stage

On Sowing and Reaping

Is This Going to be on the Test?

Watch Your Language

Three Resolutions for Parenting Christian Children

Why Recitation Should be Part of Every Child’s Education

Forgiveness in Community

Three Reasons You Should Observe Advent with Your Children

Pursuing Humble Academic Excellence

The Education Triumvirate

A Great Day of Giving

Building Emotional Muscles

Children See, Children Do

The Miseducation of America

Milk to Meat

It’s Okay to Put Cheese on the Broccoli

Schola Seminar

Why You Should Write in Your Books

A Lesson for Labor Day

An Introduction to Commonplacing

A Blessing for Trinitas Graduates

Remember, The Hand of the Lord is Mighty

What Should You Look For In a Christian School? (part III)

What should you look for in a Christian school? (part II)

What Should You Look for in a Christian School?

Responsibilities in Christian Education

Setting the Right Markers

Did Jesus Receive Handwriting Grades?

Imagine a World Without Grades. You Can Do It If You Try.

Long Live Chrysostom

Worshippers in Training

Tasty Travel

In Pursuit of Diligence

Socratic Dialogue, Trinitas, and You

Connecting the Dots

Distinctly Different, Part II

Distinctly Different, Part I

Faithful Parenting

The Duties of Parents

Envisioning the Future

Resolve Like A Puritan

Read Broadly

Lessons from a Marshwiggle

Trinitas Traditions

How Classical are You?

Morning Meeting: A Liturgy for Daily Life

Reading, Writing, and…Dancing?

Coming to a Neighborhood Near You!

Preparing Our Children For Babylon, Part III

Preparing Our Children For Babylon, Part II

Preparing Our Children For Babylon, Part I

And Piety for All

Pursuing Wisdom

Accreditation Matters

Calculus for the Rest of Us

The Gift of Hate: Teaching Children to Hate the Dark and Love the Light

The Gift of Sin: Digging into Your Child’s Sin

The Gift of Dirt: Let Them Get Dirty!

The Gift of Failure: Embracing Struggle and Failure for Your Children

The Gift of a World Larger Than They Are: Finding Their Place in the World

Five Perfect Gifts for Children

Graduation Address to the Class of 2021

Classical Christian Alumni are Better Prepared for College and Life - Part V

Classical Christian Alumni are Better Prepared for College and Life - Part IV

Classical Christian Alumni are Better Prepared for College and Life - Part III

Classical Christian Alumni are Better Prepared for College and Life – Part II

Classical Christian Alumni are Better Prepared for College and Life – Part I

Classical Christian Alumni Continue in the Faith

Is There a Better Path?

Give Students a Community in Which They Can Thrive

How Do We Accomplish the Goals of Classical Christian Education?

Why the Goals of Classical Christian Education are Good for the World

What is the Goal of Classical Christian Education?

How to Keep the Dog from Eating Your Homework, Conclusion

How to Keep the Dog from Eating Your Homework, Part 5

How to Keep the Dog from Eating Your Homework, Part 4

How to Keep the Dog from Eating Your Homework, Part 3

How to Keep the Dog from Eating Your Homework, Part 2

How to Keep the Dog from Eating Your Homework, Part 1

Loving Neighbor is Loving God

For Just Such a Time as This

Following the Saints

A Root of Selflessness

Where We Went Wrong

Where Art Thou, O Courage?

Who’s Your Role Model?

The Value of Struggle

Vipers in Diapers

How to Rule a Kingdom

Education Fit for a King

Hope Causes Change

There is Still Hope

Buy the Truth

A Call to Faith in Troubled Times

Building Eulogy Virtues

The Voices in Your Head, Part 2

The Voices in Your Head, Part 1

The Old Stories

Sweet & Sour Quarantine

In Pursuit of Vita Bona

The Downside of Internet Based Instruction, Part II

The Downside of Internet-Based Instruction

Teach at Home Tips from a Teacher, Part 2

Teach at Home Tips from a Teacher, Part 1

Will Your Child Continue in the Faith as an Adult?...

The Good Soil

Season of Wonder

Late to the Table

A Case for Cloistering

Classical Christian Students Have a Ball!

What Do You Want from Education?

The Parents’ Place in Education

Why Christian Education?

Protect Your Children from Predators

The Dangers of Distracted Driving…or Studying

Thankful to the Core

The Classical Parent - Part III

The Classical Parent - Part II

The Classical Parent - Part I

The Unfulfilled Promise of Technology in Education

Trinitas 2019 Commencement Address

Classical Cultivates Virtue Through Perspective

Classical Education Creates Renaissance Men and Women

Persecution via Legislation

Why Rush Education?

Should Christian Schools Accept Government Funding?

Classical Creates Culture

Hands-on Education: A Feast for the Eyes, Hands, Mind, Feet . . .

What About Dating In High School?

Lessons from a Dirt Pile

Don’t Waste Your Commute

A Few Ideas for Teaching Stewardship to Children

Six Steps to Prepare Your Child for Kindergarten

How to Know If Your Child is Ready for Kindergarten

Why High School Seniors Should Write and Defend a Thesis

How to Know Which Christian School is Right for Your Family: Evangelistic vs Covenantal

Because You Want More for Your Children

Three Arguments for Removing Children from Secular Schools

A Few Things I Am Not Saying About Smartphones

Time is Money: Why Your Kid Can’t Put His Phone Down

Lonely in a Crowd: Smartphones, the Internet, and Isolation

More Fun with Phones

The World at Their Fingertips

There is a Method to Our Madness

Forging a New Path

To Game or Not to Game?

Respect Everyone

A Remedy for Shadows, Eroding Foundations, and General Madness

Small School History Lesson

Get the Trinitas Viewpoint!

Each week we enter what has been called the Great Conversation, writing about issues important to classical education, parenting, and culture from the Trinitas perspective. We invite you to join us as we explore topics as diverse as the smartphone habits of teenagers, kindergarten readiness, and legislation that may affect the future of Christian schools.  

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