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Modern Questions & Classical Answers

Posted by Trinitas on Feb 11, 2024 6:04:01 PM

On Thursday, March 7, Trinitas will be hosting Keith McCurdy as part of the Spring Vision Series. This free event is open to the public but tickets are required and available here. In preparation for the event, we are sharing four interviews with Keith on various topics recorded and made available by BaseCamp Live. These are great resources for all parents as they navigate the challenges of raising children in the modern world. 

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Topics: Blog Posts, Parenting, Classical Education, Christian Education, Christian Living, Parent Involvement, Social Issues, Virtue

Raising Mature Kids

Posted by Trinitas on Feb 3, 2024 11:54:54 AM

On Thursday, March 7, Trinitas will be hosting Keith McCurdy as part of the Spring Vision Series. This free event is open to the public but tickets are required and available here. In preparation for the event, we are sharing four interviews with Keith on various topics recorded and made available by BaseCamp Live. These are great resources for all parents as they navigate the challenges of raising children in the modern world. 

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Topics: Blog Posts, Parenting, Classical Education, Christian Education, Christian Living, Parent Involvement, Social Issues, Virtue

Four Reasons Families Leave Trinitas (Part #4)

Posted by Trinitas on Jan 26, 2024 9:30:00 AM

During the past few weeks, I have been highlighting some reasons families have left Trinitas, which seems like a dangerous undertaking. I’m not trying to scare people away, of course. My reason for doing this short series is that I want to communicate who Trinitas is to families who want the sort of education we’re offering. One way to do that is by thrusting into the spotlight some of the school’s characteristics that have been breaking points for families in the past. This is the last installment.

#1 The standards are too high!

#2 Trinitas is weak on math!

#3 All that classical stuff is useless in the real world!

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Topics: Blog Posts, School Life, Parenting, Classical Education, Christian Living, Parent Involvement, Virtue

Four Reasons Families Leave Trinitas (Part #3)

Posted by Trinitas on Jan 19, 2024 9:30:00 AM

People come and people go. That is a truth in any community. It is human nature, I suppose to some extent, for people to get interested in a thing, even convinced about a thing, then lose interest or become unconvinced over time. Maybe we just have a short (and shortening) attention span. Because it is enrollment season, though, and families are deciding whether or not their children ought to attend Trinitas next year, I am spending a few weeks focusing on some of the top reasons people give for losing interest in and leaving Trinitas. This is the third of four such installments, and I hope you find it helpful if you are trying to make an enrollment decision.

#1 The standards are too high!

#2 Trinitas is weak on math!

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Topics: Blog Posts, School Life, Classical Education, Alumni, True Education, College Admissions, Reading, Truth, Goodness, and Beauty, Admissions

Four Reasons Families Leave Trinitas (Part #2)

Posted by Trinitas on Jan 12, 2024 9:30:00 AM

People come and people go. That is a truth in any community. It is human nature, I suppose to some extent, for people to get interested in a thing, even convinced about a thing, then lose interest or become unconvinced over time. Maybe we just have a short (and shortening) attention span. Because it is enrollment season, though, and families are deciding whether or not their children ought to attend Trinitas next year, I am spending the next few weeks focusing on some of the top reasons people give for losing interest in and leaving Trinitas. This is the second of four such installments, and I hope you find it helpful if you are trying to make an enrollment decision.

#1 The standards are too high!

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Topics: Blog Posts, Classical Education, True Education, College Admissions, Mathematics, Grades, Admissions

How to Avoid a Culture of Disrespect (and Other Shameful Maladies)

Posted by Trinitas on Dec 3, 2023 1:00:00 PM

I often mention a particular Proverb I think Christian people have begun to neglect. It is Proverbs 29:15, and it goes like this, “The rod and rebuke give wisdom, but a child left to himself brings shame to his mother.” As Christians, we have something the rest of the world does not have in the same way: the Holy Spirit. Part of the work of the Spirit in our lives is to illuminate God’s word for us so that we have belief and understanding that is not available to those who do not have the same indwelling Holy Spirit. So when Christians read in the Bible, “The rod and rebuke give wisdom, but a child left to himself brings shame to his mother,” we can know that it is true.

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Topics: Blog Posts, Parenting, Christian Living

Happy Thanksgiving, Neighbors!

Posted by Trinitas on Nov 26, 2023 1:00:00 PM

As the tryptophan subsides, can we take a moment to reflect on what is perhaps the greatest of purely American holidays? Thanksgiving is a holiday born of good intention in that it is noble to set aside a whole day to give thanks to God for His provision for us. As Christians, we would do well to remember that we should be thankful every day and should live lives of thanksgiving before God, for every breath we take comes to us as a providence of our good and loving God.

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Topics: Blog Posts, School Life, Community Service

Thou Shalt Love Thy Neighbor as Thyself

Posted by Trinitas on Nov 4, 2023 1:45:00 PM

When asked which is the “great commandment?” Jesus tells those gathered to “Love the Lord your God with all your heart, with all your soul, and with all your mind.” Then he says the second, which is like it, is to “love your neighbor as yourself.” Astonishing the hearers, Jesus confirms that all the law and the prophets can be summed up in those two commandments (Matt 22:36-40).

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Topics: Blog Posts, School Life, Community Service, Christian Living, Parent Involvement

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