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Dennis Louis

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Why Study Greek - Part II

Posted by Dennis Louis on Nov 7, 2016 8:16:33 AM

The benefits of learning Greek as a tool to sharpen one's mental abilities cannot be overstated.

“I would make them all learn English: and then I would let the clever ones learn Latin as an honor, and Greek as a treat.”       -Winston Churchill

This quote from Churchill at times can be taken out of context. It would appear that Churchill spoke of Latin as the cognitive sharpening tool of the clever. But a more careful reading would show that Churchill understood that both Greek and Latin were excellent tools for cognitive development.

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Topics: Blog Posts, Classical Education, Classical Languages

Why Study Greek - Part I

Posted by Dennis Louis on Oct 31, 2016 8:26:46 AM

Beautiful Parthenon in Greece on a summery dayClassical educators are frequently asked why we teach “dead languages.” At Trinitas, we teach both Latin and Greek as part of our core curriculum, and we believe to do otherwise would make us something other than classical. We don’t cling to these languages out of some foolish consistency or for the sake of keeping up classical appearances. No, we cling to them for their unparalleled value as educational tools.

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Topics: Blog Posts, Classical Education, Classical Languages

How Trinitas Reinvigorated My Idealist Nature

Posted by Dennis Louis on Apr 19, 2016 1:58:26 PM

If you are Christian Educator, you are an idealist by nature. In your mind, students should have a passionate/ burning desire to learn. You want your classes abuzz with vibrant discussion and thought provoking dialogue. You expect your students to be fully prepared coming into every class. Even more, as the teacher, you hope that they come with questions that challenge you and push you to become a better communicator of truth.

At least this was my mindset entering into a teaching career. But after a few years of teaching, I was completely disabused of my idealist tendencies. None of my expectations panned out. I found that students were often frustrated with the learning process. My classes were not vibrant centers for discussion and thought provoking dialogue. Students (the majority of them) were not prepared for class. And as for being challenged by my students, I found myself more jaded as a teacher than spurred on.

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Topics: Blog Posts, Christian Education, Teaching

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